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Auto rating A new car will come with a guarantee to cover the repair costs, but once it's over a car owner needs the protection of an extended auto warranty to protect against future repair expenses. auto rating Search to find out if they have been approved by the NIAE. This will tell your mechanic that really understands what he does, and you are more likely to be satisfied with your service.

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By converting your car to run on water, you can save 50% of fuel costs immediately. In other words, you pay less than $ 2 per gallon for the same driving distance. Be careful not to sign "as is" statements on a contract. By doing so, you agree that, once the car leaves the lot, all the problems are your problems now.

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So often people will find that they end up facing their car breaks down shortly after the expiry of the manufacturer's warranty. auto rating Almost all Lemon Law statutes include a list of issues that are important to keep.

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